Image and value provided by our partner, Peet's
Disclaimer: Peet's Coffee provided links and compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.I am a huge fan of single-serving coffee machines. I have a Tassimo here at home which has probably made thousands of cups of coffee for us over the past two years, and at work, we're on our second Keurig machine. We are definitely a caffeinated company! And what working parents aren't, right? We work hard all day, we play hard all night, and the mornings can be rough. What's better than a freshly made cup of coffee to get your day going?
Peet's Coffee is finally releasing a line of single cup coffee pods! They spent five long years perfecting the brew so that it would be just perfect for single serving cups, and to celebrate, they want to know: Do you give a cup? It's a social sharing experiment -- you vote on a topic on their website and it helps them determine where to send their sip truck give out cups of Peet's Coffee! This week's topic was on hot dog eating contests. I can say with certainty that I was in the minority because -- I don't give a cup! (Now, if it was a veggie hot dog eating contest? I'd be all over that!)
Feel free to swing by doyougiveacup.com today to weigh in on the weekly topic! You can also find out if the Peet's Coffee sip truck is coming to a place near you sometime soon. They are coming to Boston in mid to late July and I will have to hunt one down, because free coffee? I am all about that!
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