April 16, 2008

33w6d - 6w1d to go (?)

I have tons to update about, but we'll start with this - as you can see in the title, there's a question mark on the number of weeks that I have left.

This morning, I had an appointment with Dr. Fuentes and my AFI was lower than last time - in fact, it was RIGHT on the borderline (5.5, the lowest "normal range" is 5). So, I've now been placed on modified bed-rest. He was debating whether or not to put me on full bed rest, but since I work seated 99% of the time, he cleared me to go to work for at least another week. When I'm at home, though, I'm only allowed to shower and go to the bathroom. Anyone who knows me knows that I think that SUCKS, because it means I have to give up my independence. But, it would suck more if the baby weren't healthy, so I'm happy to do it.

I have a follow up with him next week, on Wednesday morning...if the fluid is any lower...we may be having a baby...NEXT WEEK.

The good news is that Angelica looks perfect. She was over 5 pounds on the ultrasound and was actually measuring slightly ahead, and all her baby parts looked perfect, so if we do have to be induced next week, she'll be fine. She'll be a little early and a little small, but fine nevertheless.

It kind of throws a kink in my natural childbirth plans, because you better believe that if they are going to induce me I'm taking the epidural, that way if it winds up being a c-section, I'll be more prepared. But all the "plans" in the world are nothing compared to having a healthy baby.

I'll update more about the other fun stuff (baby shower and such) later, I'd better get to work prepping for my maternity leave NOW!

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