April 23, 2008

34w6d - 5w1d to go!

Guess what? I'm still pregnant. YAY!

We had our follow-up with Dr. Fuentes this morning at 8:30. I was nervous and sweating and jittery all morning, wondering if we'd have to have the dreaded c-section this afternoon. I literally felt sick to my stomach.

But, the tech did the ultrasound and her AFI was back up over 8! YAY! So they advised me to keep drinking my water and continue with the resting, and they'd see me in two weeks for the "final" check up. SCARY to hear the word "final" - I can't believe this is almost over! But, believe me, after this week's drama, those labor pains will be the best pain I will ever feel compared to the dread and fear I've had over possibly having a c-section!

Also, in other good news, my blood pressure has been doing SO much better the past two times it's been checked. It was 130/77 yesterday at Dr. Wilson's office, and 140/70 (ish) this morning - probably up a little bit because I was so nervous. I think I can attribute that to something I had thought of before, but hadn't REALLY thought was too bad. Since the baby's fluid was so low, I cut out caffeine entirely (I was a caffeine junkie pre-pregnancy and hadn't really cut it out since then, though I had cut back to one cup a day from my 3-4 cup a day habit). Lo and behold, the blood pressure evened out (at least the bottom number, which they were most concerned about).

So, the moral of the story is that I should keep cutting out the caffeine if I want my blood pressure to be stable. I'll just have to replace my favorite caffeinated drinks with decaf versions.

YAY for today, though! I also did my hospital pre-registration today, and Scott & I are going to meet with the pediatrician this afternoon to get that all squared away.

I've got two more appointments lined up - April 29 with Dr. Wilson, where they get to do the fun GBS test (crossing fingers for negative!) and then May 7 again with Dr. Fuentes. (crossing fingers for high fluid!). I'll be one day shy of 37 weeks by then - FULL TERM! WOW!

As a result of all of this chaos over the past week, we are now ready for Angelica to be born. Her crib is put together, room is cleaned, my hospital bag and Angelica's diaper bag is packed. My co-workers are trained to cover for me for when the baby actually does come. I had to bail on my labor and delivery classes, but I got a DVD to watch, and I also bought a copy of Happiest Baby on the Block, which my sister said she really liked.

Okay, I should get back to work. I'm the happiest woman alive right now!!

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