I know many of you are following me on Twitter, but did you know I also have a Facebook Page? It's true! And if you "Like" it, you could win a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate!
It's easy to enter!
1. Like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook
2. Comment on this post with your first name, last initial (so I can verify you "Like" the page), and email address.
It's easy as that! On April 13 at 11:59 PM EST I will choose a winner and contact that winner within 24 hours. The winner will have 48 hours to reply and claim their prize, so make sure you check your spam and junk mail folders!
I like your Facebook page!
Karen Greenberg
I Like You on Facebook!
Tami V
I like your page :)
Tara P.
I like your page on facebook
Mitchell W.
LIKE you on Facebook as Frugal Plus (Jill)
1JavaJill [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks for a Great Giveaway :)
I'm already a FB fan - Kelly T.
texastypeamom at gmail dot com
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Kaylie Nguyen
I like you on facebook!
Sheryl C
I am your 222nd like on facebook.
Karen P
I like you on FB (Kristen H)
aeris321 at gmail dot com
like your facebook page!
Tara H.
Danielle mini donohue
I "like" you on FB- Kim D.
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
Gina H
I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I like you on facebook
madreblair at a o l dot com
I like you on FB(Alicia W.)
Alicia Webster
I Like you on FB as Terri W.
tmp95 at comcast dot net
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Greta Blau
greeba at mac dot com
Like your FB page- Susan B.
susie at susiebhomemaker dot com
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Angela K
I like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook Kiara A.
I like you on FB (Kathleen Porteous)
kport207 at gmail dot com
Like your Facebook page (Eloise Bowen Carlson) Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
I like you on facebook
Eileen B
I like you on facebook, Joy F
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
like on fb ma
I follow you on FB as Diane H
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I liked you on FB (alyce p)
apoalillo AT hOTMail (dot) Com
I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker ----- eddiem11@ca.rr.com
I like your facebook page, Lisa A. Davis
Like you on facebook from Misty Sunrise
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
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Jessica M
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Fan of urs on Facebook... Jessica K
liked of FB, kyl N.
I Like you Facebook Page -Kathy Tracey L.
kathyluman@gmail dot com
like you on facebook crystletellerday@yahoo.com
LOVE your super simple entry requirement!
Just "liked" you on FB (Wendy Elliott Lindsey).
Thx for the giveaway!
welindsey at gmail dot com
I like you on fb! Stevie Lynn D'Andrea
Hi, I like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook (FB name: Maddie B.).
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
i like u on fb as amanda s
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
I Like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook as Shilo Beedy
Liked Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook ;)
Sharon H.
Sharon Harmon
I like you on facebook (Betty N)
I liked you on facebook - Jennie K
I like you on Facebook as Debbi Otto W.
dwellenstein at cox doe net
I liked you on facebook. (Eliza F)
Thanks for the chance (Shannon M.).
I like you on Facebook.
littleumbrella (at) wow (dot) com
I like you on Facebook.
Marcia G.
I like you on Facebook (Erika B)
Musingsfromasahm at gmail dot com
I liked you on facebook (Terri S)
Liked you
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
Alicia T
sheryl c.
Like you on FB as Hendy Martin
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com
i follow u on facebook
andrea d
drea8685 at yahoo dot com
I like you on facebook
I came to know you from surf and relax sunday blog hop. follow ur blog. Please follow my blog, http://momsfocusonline.com/time-to-follow-blog-hop-for-july.html
I like em on FB.
Thanks for the chance.
Like you on fb (Cynthia Conley)
Jeff D.
Like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on FB.
I like your page on FB.
Laurie H
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
Stopped by Facebook and liked you (Mary B.)and am also following you thru GFC as part of the Boost Your Buzz blog hop. Thanks for being a part of this great opportunity and for having your own little prize going on. Stop by sometime when you get a chance! Thanks. Here is my email and blog site:
like you on fb
cheryl s
msboatgal at aol.com
I like you on Facebook!
Stephanie S.
I like you on Facebook! ;-)
Melissa M.
new fb friend- ria c
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
New facebook friend-nicole l
I have liked you on Facebook.
lori a g
Hi from your newest follower and facebook liker (Connie Carpenter). Wonderful Blog you have. When you get the time please check out my blog and return the follow. I am going to be having AWSOME giveaways all throughout the year. Also PLEASE consider buying one of my cookbooks as it is our ONLY Income and if you have ANY Suggestions on how to get them to start selling PLEASE email me you idea’s.
Thank You and Many Blessings to you and yours,
Connie C
I am now your FB fan!
(Andrea G.)
bamalynn75 at yahoo dot com
I Like your Facebook Page! (LeeAnn C H)
I like it....Ashley George ageorge0538@yahoo.com
I Like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook.
Kim M
I liked angelas awesome adventures on facebook - kevin linkie
Ani G-Money
anidoll22 @gmail.com
<3 you and your adventures!
I like you on facebook
Nathan M
nmagdalany at yahoo.com
liked you on fb
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
liked on fb [ eva kieu ]
I like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on facebook (Louis Here)
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Like on FB. Denice Gilson Landry
I LIKE Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook (Erin Mize)
I liked your FB page ~ Kendra M
Great way to get your FB page numbers up!
Tara C
I like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook and my homepage is http://www.facebook.com/jacob.charries
Like you on FB
Liked your Facebook page!
Gian Faye P. (I'm not showing my surname on my Facebook tho.)
mynameisgianfaye *at* gmail *dot* com
I like you on Facebook under cjbstar. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm already a facebook fan!
(@emmy coffee)
like you on FB brenda H
I like your Facebook page!
Dawn Treyman S.
I follow you on FB (Ellie W)
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Liked your blog on FB: Hoa Le
I "Like" you on facebook! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Charlotte V.
I like you on Facebook (Sk Sweeps)
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Facebook Fan @ Alisha L.
bakergurl02 (AT) yahoo (dot) com
i liked you on fb jolene c
I like you on fb Jammie M
Like Angelica's Awesome Adventures on Facebook (Kitty Cardero)
Liked on FB (AngelaWinesburg)
Like you (Karine Capobianco-Traverse_
Like you on Facebook (Barbara M)
I'm new - Thank you!
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
like u on fb Julie S Laws
thanks :)
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