October 31, 2007

10w0d - 30 weeks to go!

The big news of today - we're TEN weeks pregnant! Double digits AND 1/4 through this pregnancy.

I'm excited because this means that we're closer to being out of the first trimester, and closer to being under 200 days (211 days left right now).

Everything has gone by the wayside the past week. I've been so exhausted that I have let a lot of things go. Haven't answered emails, haven't cleaned up the "nursery" (we moved some stuff around, which just made it messier). Haven't been sleeping as much as I should, even though I am exhausted.

On the agenda for tomorrow: work, exercise, and then catch up on emails.

Next appointment: November 15. 9:15 am. Just over two weeks to go!

I also think I'm starting to get a teeny tiny "baby bump". I'm a chunky lady in general, but something down there definitely feels bigger - but firm :)

Found out a few days ago that my friend Michelle is also pregnant, and maybe even a little bit ahead of me. She already has one (beautiful) daughter, so it will be nice to have someone to share the experience with who has already been there.

That's really it - just wanted to get a few brief thoughts out. I'm tired so this really isn't as articulate as I'd like.

1 comment:

mommy e said...

My next appointment is Nov 15th at 9:30 a.m. :P Then I have to go every week until I have my c section on the 4th! Booyah. Congrats girlie.