July 29, 2008

Angelica is 2 months old today!

Angelica is 2 months old today! I can hardly believe it! She had a really great appointment. She's 10 pounds, 10 ounces and 23 inches long (compared to 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and 19 1/2 inches at birth). Her weight was 50th percentile, height 75th percentile - she's tall and skinny...future supermodel maybe? The doctor (and everyone else at the office) commented on how awake and alert she is for two months...and she really is! She's a spunky one. Her head measured 15 inches, which was 45th percentile...that probably explains why she's able to hold her head up so well...it's ever so slightly below average in size (but phooey on everyone who says big heads mean smarter babies...this kid is a genius, hitting all her milestones way in advance!)

She tolerated her vaccines pretty well. She screamed for a few minutes (naturally) and then calmed down and slept a bit. She hasn't been particularly fussy either.

While we were waiting for the doctor to come in, Scott and I played with her for a little bit, and we got the beginnings of a laugh out of her. She was laying on the exam table, and Scott was leaning down on his arms on the table. She pushed herself across the table with her feet, which both of us found hilarious...and she heard us laughing and gave a huge smile and made a "heh heh" noise...SO close to a laugh! We are just seconds away from that big old belly laugh.

Next appointment is September 30th...it's funny to think about that. September 25th last year was my very first ultrasound...when I was only 5 weeks pregnant...and she was just a tiny blip...and the doctor told me she only had a 50/50 chance of making it. That just goes to show...doctors don't know everything!

1 comment:

Ani said...

what a cutie pie!!!
she is SO beautiful!!!