July 23, 2008

Angelica is 8 weeks old (8 week post-partum appt today!)

Had my 8 week postpartum follow-up today...everything's looking good. My blood pressure was a wonderful 122/74, which was nice after months and months of being pregnant and having high blood pressure. The doctor said everything healed really nicely and that the ugly purple scar will fade to white within a few months, and that I should get most of the feeling back in my abdomen after several months have gone by. Did the birth control talk...I had no idea you have to wait for your first period following the birth to start birth control. Yuck. I don't even want to think about having a period yet! She gave me a few samples of Loestrin 24 and told me to hold off on taking them until the wonderful Aunt Flo makes her appearance.

The sweet nurse (Betty - yes, there is a Nurse Betty at my doctor's office) commented on how adorable baby Angelica is...I showed her a few pictures. Maybe next time (when I go back to get my prescription in October) I'll bring her in and show her off.

In the baby world, things are still going normally! Angelica went to sleep just before 11 last night and didn't wake me up until 6:45 this morning...she must have been tired after being awake almost all day. This child has got her circadian rhythms down really well now. She knows that daytime is awake time...and even after her morning feeding, she'll usually go to sleep for a couple of hours. But other than that, she just takes little cat naps throughout the day...I don't even try to keep her awake, she just doesn't want to sleep. It's nice, because it means she sleeps more at night (though she still usually wakes up for 1-2 feedings). I just hope she's getting enough rest! I wish I was at home to see how her awake/nap cycles really work.

That's the hardest part about being back at work, knowing that I'm the one who is out of the loop and doesn't know what her rhythms are. It makes it hard sometimes to really know what's bothering her when she's fussy. Is she tired? Is she hungry? Is she dirty? (She's developed a big intolerance for wet diapers...she gets pissed the second she wets it, it seems.)

I am trying to get her on a night time routine now though. She absolutely hates baths, so I decided we're going to bathe her nightly so she gets used to taking them and might actually start to enjoy it. So her bedtime routine will be bath, dress, swaddle, bottle...last night it worked out nicely, she finished her bottle and went right to sleep (and slept until 6:45 this morning!)

My biggest worry (and one that I'll bring up to her pediatrician next week at her 2 month appointment) is that she seems to fuss a lot more than other babies I know. She doesn't seem to like any of the normal things that soothe babies. She'll only let us put her down when she's asleep (or almost asleep), she's not a big fan of the pacifier, she'll sleep in the swing but only if she's already falling asleep...and when we go out, we have to make it quick because she hates being in her carseat and the stroller. She seems like just such a sensitive little soul and gets upset so easily. I just wonder if there's anything we can do to make her a little calmer.

Anyway, I'm gonna go take care of the pumping business and get to work so I can leave with a clean conscience and an empty inbox!

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