August 30, 2008

Angelica is three months old...and catches her first cold :(

Happy three month birthday to my baby girl (though I'm a day late on this post). I can't believe how quickly the last three months have gone, nor can I believe how cute my little girl is growing up to be!

I'm so glad we got the pictures done yesterday, though, because we woke up today to a very cranky, sniffly, slightly feverish Angelica. I think she picked up something at daycare (one of the other little girls looked sniffly) and so she came down with it to. (And I think I am as well, my throat is sore and I'm a little congested too). I feel so bad for her, listening to her cry with that sniffly, nasaly cry and not being able to help. She's sleeping now, finally...she had to be held pretty much all day today by one of us otherwise she would just cry and cry. I hope she feels better tomorrow!

At least one cute thing about one point, Scott wiped a a boogie out of her nose, and after it came out she goes, "Ahhh..." like this real sigh of relief. It sounded so un-babylike and it cracked me up.

Other exciting news...Angelica got to spend time with her GG Melba this past week, and they both had a great time together. She gave her GG lots and lots of smiles and cuddles (and cries and fussing, too, in true Angelica fashion!) Don't the two of them look so happy together? Notice the dress Angelica's wearing, too...that's the dress we bought for her to have her pictures taken at the hospital in. When we put it on her in the hospital, it almost wouldn't stay on her. She wore it again at her Aunt Stefanie's baby shower in June, and it was still big on her. Now it fits her like a charm...just perfectly.

This picture probably shows it even better. Such a pretty dress on such a pretty girl! I can't believe it. It's getting to the point now where some of her outfits no longer fit well, and I just can't bring myself to pack them up. I can still remember dressing her in 0-3 stuff when we brought her home and thinking how baggy the stuff was. Now it doesn't even fit anymore...they grow too fast.

It's been an exhausting day, so I'm gonna go rest now and hope that both Angelica and I kick this cold pretty quickly!

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