September 2, 2008

Angelica's favorite show

Okay so maybe not her favorite, but I like it!

Other than Stefanie and Will...any other parents reading this ever watch Lazy Town? Holy crap I am so addicted to it. I DVR'd a few episodes after watching my nephew dance around (sort of, despite his shyness) to a song from it and now I can't stop watching. It is probably the cutest show I've ever seen with some of the catchiest music. Like seriously, I may have to buy the soundtrack to take to the gym with me. I am 28 years old and can't stop listening to songs from a kid's show. Totally Crazy.

My favorites (other than the theme) are Twenty Times Time, You Are a Pirate, Cooking by the Book...then again, those are just the songs from the episodes I've seen so far.

Like look at can you tell me this is totally not addictive??

1 comment:

Ani said...

does it make me an evil person to say this looks like birth control to me?

Angelica is growing so far! shes such a cute :-)
