September 30, 2008

Angelica's 4 Month Checkup!

As promised, here's the update from Angelica's checkup today!

In good news, she's still falling right along her growth curve. She was 13 pounds, 6 ounces (50th percentile), 25 inches (80th percentile) and had a 16 inch head (50th percentile). So she's still tall and skinny with an average sized head.

The doctor was amazed at her development so far. She was very impressed by how well she holds her head up and can flip herself over...she said she'd never seen a baby do that well at only 4 months. (Little does she know, Angelica's been doing that for about a girly's always gonna be ahead of the curve physically it seems).

She got her vaccinations and cracked the nurse up afterward by shooting her a dirty look. The nurse said she doesn't usually get dirty looks like that from kids until their 12 month shots.

In bad news...about a week ago, one of the daycare people noticed one of her eyes was a little swollen. I checked it out and noticed that she had a tiny lump just below her eyebrow. I asked the pediatrician about it today and she checked it out and says it seems to be a cyst...she thinks it's probably benign (she said not to worry about it being cancer or anything because it's not), but referred us to a pediatric neurosurgeon to have it checked out nevertheless. Her vision is fine, and she said it's probably on the bone and not on the eye, but if it grows it could compromise her vision. So, I've been trying to call and schedule an appointment with the place they referred us to today but I've been getting a runaround. Who knew it'd be so hard just to schedule an appointment??

Anyway, that's the update for now! She's finally sleeping after fussing pretty much all morning and early afternoon, and I'm finally getting to eat something. And now I'm going to go do some work.

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