October 1, 2008

Angelica's neuro appointment is scheduled

What an eventful day in the world of Angelica...

I mentioned in the previous blog that it was difficult to get her appointment with the pediatric neurosurgeon. They wouldn't even talk to me without her records being faxed over.

All total, it took SEVEN phone calls and three voicemails to get it accomplished. Why on earth it should ever take seven phone calls, two voicemails, and over 24 hours to simply schedule an appointment is beyond me (and believe me if the lady who finally called back hadn't been so nice, I'd have had words for her...I was seeing red at that point. What if it was urgent??)

Anyway, she's scheduled for October 14th at 11 am. So that's when we'll get to have her cyst looked at and diagnosed. Scary.

She didn't do so well with the shots this time around, either. Yesterday was a complete wash...I was trying to work from home but eventually gave up until she went to bed for the evening, and then spent all night getting caught up. Poor thing was just so fussy and refused to let me put her down...she only napped for an hour. I even tried putting her in her bouncy seat right next to me so she could see me, but it wasn't good enough.

We did have a good hour somewhere in the late afternoon where she was just full of giggles. It started with me poking her nose, and she just burst out laughing. After that stopped being funny, we played peek-a-boo, then that got old...then I tried making her toys disappear (holding it up to her then hiding it behind my back)...she found that hilarious...then when that got old, I took to doing what my nephew used to love...scaring the beejezus out of her by yelling "boo"...she'd startle and squeal and then start laughing like crazy. It was the most I've ever heard her laugh, and it was great.

Once that got old, it was back to crying her little heart out.

Today it was just full-on fuss from morning to night. She woke up angry, then got dropped off at daycare, and the moment I sat her down she started not just crying, but screaming until she choked and had big, huge, fat tears just streaming down her face (also something new). Donna from daycare called later on to tell me she was running a fever...poor thing. She took a long nap and the fever was gone by the time I picked her up, but she was still unhappy tonight.

I did actually get her to smile for a bit, and put her favorite toy in her hands (a Baby Einstein caterpillar rattle). She was thrilled with that for about five minutes, until she got overexcited and hit herself in the head with it really hard. Then the screaming started again...big fat tears and all.

(Angelica and the rattle, before she hit herself on the head with it.)

She's doing the sweetest thing the past few days though...when she gets upset she'll look at me and reach for me. The first time she did it, I thought it was a coincidence, but she does it all the time now.

On that note, I've had a headache pretty much all day (thanks to playing phone tag with doctors and having a sick, cranky child) so I'm going to go to bed now. (This also explains why this post is somewhat inarticulate and rambly...to tired/sore to think.)

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