September 24, 2008

Angelica's Song

Had such a great morning today. I slept like garbage last night (I have been ever since she learned to roll over and started doing it in her sleep...I feel compelled to check on her every couple of hours, and my body forces me out of sleep to do so...), but Angelica woke up at 5:45...fed her a bottle, cuddled, played, and then snuggled and snoozed on the sofa for awhile, until I had to get ready for work. It was great.

It was a nice break from how things have been this week. She's having a rough time of it...a growth spurt combined with teething has made her really cranky. Night before last we had a four hour period of screaming that started around 8:30 or ended sometime after midnight, and then she was awake again at 4:15. She went down to bed around 8 last night and slept straight through to 5:45 this morning.

I haven't written about this yet, but sometime in the past week she discovered her feet. Now she plays with them all the time and tries to put them in her mouth. It's absolutely adorable. I have a picture of it, but it's still on my camera...I'll have to download it from the camera and post it soon.

Somewhere along the way today, got this song stuck in my head...haven't thought about it in years but I think it may be my new song for her. Coincidentally, the release date for this CD was a year ago yesterday.

Baby, It's alright
Stop your cryin' now

Nothing is here to stay
Everything has to begin and end
A ship in a bottle won't sail
All we can do is dream that the
wind will blow us across the water
A ship in a bottle set sail

Baby, It's alright
Stop your cryin' now

There was a weakling man
who dreamed he was strong as a hurricane
A ship in a bottle set sail
He took a deep breath and blew across the world
he watched everything crumble
woke up a weakling again

Some might tell you there's no hope in hand
just because they feel hopeless
but you don't have to be a thing like that
You'll be a ship in a bottle set sail

Baby' It's alright stop your cryin' now
It's alright so stop your cryin' now

You'll be a ship in a bottle set sail

(Baby by Dave Matthews)

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