September 16, 2008

Angelica: 1 Year Ago Today

I can hardly believe it's been a year since this picture was taken (forgive the blurriness, it was taken with my camera phone). One year ago today, at 3:10 pm, Scott and I found out that we were going to be parents for the first time. So much changed right there in that instant.

Scott and I both said instantly after I took the test that we both thought it was a girl. I guess there really is a such thing as parental instinct! Just look at that beautiful face, too. We are so lucky!

Angelica's really shaping up to have some personality, let me tell you! These days she sits in her bumbo seat, yapping away at me, giggling, pulling my hair...she's now rolling over completely (over and over and over...I often go in to check on her at night and find she's rolled over a few times in the crib)...she's teething (that's not such a joy, because she screams and cries so hard when her teeth are bothering her) and she's now discovered her feet! It's crazy how much has happened just in these three months.

Here's to a lifetime of more magical moments!

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