October 29, 2008

Angelica is 5 months old!

In the tradition of the monthly pictures, I tried to sit her on the sofa next to learning puppy, but she had other ideas. She kept rolling over, flipping herself onto her tummy, or just squirming until she was laying flat. So, this was the best one of the bunch. I still think it's adorable!

Seems like being 4 months old worked well for her. She learned to sit (though she still falls over sometimes), get up on all fours and rock, she learned to blow raspberries, touch her head, eat her feet, and move herself across the floor.

Today she also held herself up on the edge of the coffee table. I held her up next to it and she grabbed on. I loosened my grip and she stayed until her hands slipped (but my hands were right there to catch her). Wow!

Very nervous and excited to see what the next month will bring! I feel like she just turned 4 months and now she's 5 months. November 29 will mean she's a half year old. Wow again!

It's also getting cold out, which means Angelica's getting to wear her cute winter clothes! Check out this cute photo of her in her kitty corduroy overalls from yesterday. She also left the house wearing a hat, and just looked absolutely adorable. She's hanging out in her crib in this photo, but I also thought the one below was adorable too (despite the poor lighting...it's late when we get home and the lighting in my apartment after dark leaves a lot to be desired.)

And that's all for now! She's finally off to bed which means I can relax and eat dinner...I love my evenings with my girl but I'm starving by this time of night!

1 comment:

Ehm Aye Why said...

wow i love how cute she is! i even love how cute your blog is on my phone!! lol. you guys might have an athlete on your hands better start saving for sports teams!!! she's already like a little super star!