October 29, 2008

I cheated

I looked at the scale today. I broke my one weigh-in a week rule and got on the scale this morning.

I was down another 1.5 pounds, though! I'm not counting that as official, though...official weigh in is next Monday!

It felt good to know that I was doing well so far this week though. I've almost met my goal of 30 minutes of exercise/day. Yesterday and Monday I went for walks with Angelica. She hated it both times. Maybe we'll see if she enjoys taking a walk today.

Speaking of Angelica, today is her five month birthday! Hurray for her!

Doing semi-ok this week working toward my three goals of the week:
1. Journaling - I've journaled everything except dinner so far this week. For some reason, I'm finding it hard to track dinner.
2. Not drinking calories - I slipped twice here - had one glass of coke earlier this week, and a hot cocoa yesterday because it was freezing in my office. Other than that though, I've done great (and actually have been drinking more water than normal).
3. Exercise I already covered above...2/3 days down, 1 day to go!

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