October 22, 2008

Angelica roots for the Rays!

As if there were any doubt which team Angelica wanted to win the world series (given who her father is and all), this footie sleeper she wore to bed tonight should be a dead giveaway! The game was on a little bit later than she's allowed to stay up, but she still showed some Rays solidarity by wearing this sleeper to bed tonight. Isn't she cute? (Forgive the off color and lighting - the picture was kind of impromptu, taken in her bedroom between fussies...she was tired!)

So much craziness is going on with her these days, in the way of growth and development. I picked her up from daycare today, and she was in the jumperoo, just jumping and jumping away. That's a new one. She used to just sit there and kind of dangle. She's also ::thisclose:: to crawling now! She gets up on all fours and rocks and rocks, and sometimes she'll just rear back and fling herself forward, and land on her face a few inches in front of where she started. She also rolls around and pushes herself like an inchworm to get where she's going. Silly girl, I love it!

Sitting is also coming along very nicely. She's almost sitting unassisted. I'm thinking it'll just be another week or so and she'll just be sitting up on her own.

They grow too quickly, but I'm still so proud!