October 31, 2008

Angelica's First Halloween!

As you can see here, Angelica enjoys Halloween today much more than she enjoyed the pumpkin patch yesterday. Look at this little smiling cutie! She's even been so kind today to take a nap long enough for me to practice some of my new photoshop skills.

Yes, that's right. We are going on hour 3 of her nap now. The sleep schedule keeps going back and forth, and I don't get it! For three nights in a row, she slept like a charm. Then last night she got up twice again. Now she's in the middle of a 3 hour nap? Makes no sense! But I am glad she's sleeping. Maybe she's going through a growth spurt.

Anyway...speaking of Halloween, it's our biggest Trick or Treating yet! We've had four...yes, FOUR Trick-or-Treaters today...a princess, a bumblebee, a pumpkin, and some teenager on a bike just cruising around asking for candy. (He was kinda stinky and didn't even have a candy bag with him.) These are our first trick or treaters since 2004, and that year we only got one. I'm glad I picked up a small bag of candy at Target today!

Happy Halloween everyone! Hopefully my little punkin' will wake up soon!


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