November 24, 2008

Angelica visit, milestones, and more!

First of all, we had a follow-up with the pediatrician today about Angelica's UTI. We won't know if the infection is gone until probably Wednesday, but the poor thing broke my heart, screaming during the catheter again. She's still at 15 1/2 week shy of her half-birthday!

The screaming she was doing sounded even worse because the two of us are fighting terrible colds. She came down with it last Monday and I started coming down with it last Tuesday. I think I'm finally starting to get better, and so is she, but it's been miserable the past few days. Just miserable.

And now for.........milestones!

I will have pictures of this to add later on (probably tonight), but our little angel is standing! About 2 weeks ago, I was sitting on the floor with her, and she lunged forward and grabbed the edge of exersaucer and pulled herself to standing. Then all weekend, whenever I'd try to sit her down, she'd get rigid and demand to stand up. So I put her next to the coffee table and she just held on and stood there...kind of cruised for a couple of steps but then fell onto her butt. The coffee table which is too tall for her to pull herself up on, but she can still reach up and hold on if I's about mouth-level for her, so she can hold herself up and gum on the edge of it.

She also braced herself up against the edge of the pack & play, which didn't have anything to hold on to. She just put her hands against the mesh and used her legs and balanced...for a good five minutes probably!

Finally, we are probably going to have a tooth any day now. She has become a biter...she bites and chews on just about everything from her toys to the nipple on her bottle, to her own fingers.

Only 5 more days to her half-birthday. My how the time flies!

1 comment:

Ani said...

awe! standing and just about a walk... yay to growing babies!! :-)