November 24, 2008

271 (-4 this week, -6 total)

What a week! So happy to see the scale moving in the right direction, even though I lost our "C Family Biggest Loser Challenge" this week...that's right, I lost 4lbs and hubby, who is skinner than me, STILL beat me with a whopping -6! I need to get my butt in gear even more I suppose!

As far as the workout plan goes, I just started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program...I am a huge Jillian fan...and this workout is definitely nothing to sneeze at! I feel muscles I haven't felt in years...and I just really "officially" started the program yesterday.

By the way, I think this cold really is paying off, diet-wise...I lost my sense of smell AND taste over the weekend, so other than having a rumbly tummy, I had no other reason to eat. It's not like the food would taste good. (This should reinforce my "not eating just for the sake of eating" idea.)

I digress...let's evaluate how the goals are coming:

1: Not drinking calories - I'm going to move this one to the MASTERED category, because I have become a pro at drinking water. I don't even crave regular soda anymore, and pretty much only have 1 or 2 glasses of diet soda a day.

2: Food Journal - Moving this one to MASTERED too. Sparkpeople makes it so easy to keep up with the food journal, and the points system is so motivating. I tracked 6/7 days last week.

3: Exercise 3x week - I'm tempted to move this one to MASTERED too, but I want to give it another week to see if I can stick with it. I worked out 3 times week before last, and 5 times last week (in spite of being sick)...if I can make it 1 more week, I'll consider this lifestyle change mastered.

4: Fruits/Veggies (5 servings/day): Getting closer on this one. I'm finding ways to sneak in fruits and veggies, but I really need more work on this one.

Goals for going forward then:

- Work on the fruits/veggies
- Complete the first 10 days of the 30 day shred, workout 1 (already got 1 day done...9 to go)
- Make sure to get 8 glasses of water/day


Mastered skills:
- Don't drink calories
- Exercise 3x/week
- Food journaling


1 comment:

Ehm Aye Why said...

Kudos! congrads! don't feel bad when comparing to your hubby, for some dumb reason men lose weight easier than women, those jerks ha-ha. I'm officially going to go to Sparkpeople now. I haven't weighed myself b/c i'm never home monday mornings lately, gonna have to work on that :P or start doing wednesday weigh ins instead...