November 10, 2008

Angelica's first time on the swing...also falling asleep eating!

Just a brief recap from the past few days...oh boy did we have a blast! First of all, notice this cutie wearing her daddy's hat? That was taken at the park this weekend, when Angelica had her very first ride in the swing! Now, she's maybe still a teeny bit small for the swing, but oh boy did she have a good time!

Angelica swinging:

I don't have any pictures of it, but she finally got to meet her Aunt Shannon this weekend! I had intended to bring my camera with me when we made the drive up to Palm Coast to visit (they were staying at Scott's grandparents house). His mom and sister Shannon drove down from CT this week, and then his sister Tarah drove down, and the three of them babysat Angelica today.

Below is some evidence of how much fun my dear darling daughter had with her Grandma Tammy and Aunts Tarah and Shannon...this is a baby who normally needs to at least be rocked to sleep, if not take a bottle, in order to go down for the night. So I'm feeding her nighttime meal (rice cereal and bananas) and she just falls asleep in her Bumbo seat, mid-bite. It was hilarious. So I picked her up and put her in bed, and she didn't even wake up when I took her out of the seat. She normally gets a bath, PJs, and a bottle but obviously those got skipped. I don't know what they did all day but it must have been fun!

In bad news, my DeQuervain's Tendonitis is back...we're looking at the "surgery" option instead of corticosteroids this time since it keeps coming back. Sigh. I'm putting that off as long as possible and seeing if I can keep treating with Advil and splinting...but it is making every thing I do extremely difficult.

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