November 12, 2008

Angelica's first trip to the late night pediatrician

We had to run Angelica over to AfterHours for the first time last night. When I picked her up from daycare, she felt a little warm...I thought maybe it was because she was in their swing snuggling with a fleece blanket. So when we got home and she was still really warm, I was surprised.

So I took her temperature under the arm...101.1. Yikes. So then I did the dreaded rectal temperature....103.5! Yikes! So off to AfterHours we went.

(I have no idea how she could have had a temp. that high and nobody at daycare noticed. But we won't go into that rant.)

Three hours, one blood draw, one catheterization, one dose of Tylenol and two shots of antibiotics later we had our diagnosis. She has a UTI. Poor baby!!

Her screaming while being held down for the tests nearly killed me. After each one I would rock her to sleep but she would wake up to more torture.

She's better today...still a bit of a temp but overall in better spirits. We got a script to pick up more antibiotics and get her rechecked in 10 days.

We did get complemented last night on how calm we were...the nurses said there was no way we were first time parents. I try hard not to panic in front of the baby because I don't want her to pick up on it and feel worse, but I was scared over how high that temp was.

Anyway, it's time for me to drag myself to get ready for work after a long night...

[Edit] In my haste, I forgot to mention that she got weighed yesterday...15 1/2 pounds! WOW! She was only 14 lbs 4 oz a month and a half ago. This also means she's essentially reached the "doubling her birthweight" benchmark (15.6lbs is double her birthweight). Wow!!

1 comment:

Ehm Aye Why said...

Oh honey they all scream like that, especially for catheterizing. I ran a pediatricians office for awhile for two awesome dr's and i couldn't believe how strong babies lungs were :P Good job on staying calm. it keeps children from carrying on extra for attention, which at this point isn't an issue but the older she gets it could be! I would sit and WATCH how kids would play their parents who'd get all over anxious and stressed out and make promises and be so upset with their kids all for a freaking ear temperatures!! hahaha. Sorry about your little ones UTI, yay for taking care of it so quick and efficiently! you're like superMoM! (*insert super hero music here*)