December 9, 2008

268 (-3 this week, -9 total!)

I must admit, I was shocked when I saw that number on the scale this week. I suppose I shouldn't have been, considering I'm recovering from a stomach virus, but given that I really did terrible on the diet/exercise front last week, I was expecting it to at least wind up being a big fat zero again this week.

Regardless, GOODBYE 270s! And good riddance, they're gone, they're not welcome to come back, ever. This is also now the lowest weight I've been since having the baby back in May! I got down to 269 sometime in June, amidst the baby blues (which killed my appetite) and newborn needing to be held 24/7 (which meant no free hands to eat), but gained it all back and then some when I returned to work in July.

A little nervous because next week is my follow up with my OB/GYN...hoping that my blood pressure will be normal again so that I can get back on regular BCP (I'm hating the mini-pill!)

Goals I'm working on for myself this week:
-Drink more water! I've been so good about not drinking my calories, but I really need to work in more water and less diet soda.

-Get more protein! Protein helps me stay satisfied longer, so I'm trying to incorporate a little protein with every meal/snack. Today I added a piece of light cheese with my cereal and OJ this morning, and my snack today is going to be an apple and a string cheese. Little changes like that should help me stay within my calorie range.

1 comment:

AniDoll said...

YAY ANDREA!!!! :-)

and dam you for using word verification...