December 2, 2008

Angelica officially crawls...and stands...

I was waiting to make the crawling announcement until I was sure it wasn't a fluke...last Wednesday, I got off work early, picked Angelica up at daycare, got home and sat down on the floor to play with her. She caught a glimpse of Rudy (one of our cats) and just took off crawling after him. Anyway, ever since then, it's been all crawling, all the time. Getting her to sit still in one place is completely impossible.

Then tonight, I was playing with her on the floor again...she had her big stuffed penguin, pushed it over against the couch, and used it to pull herself up to kneeling. Then she grabbed the sofa cushion and pulled herself completely up, and giggled wildly with pride. Then she got a little too confident, let go with one hand to turn around and look at me, and fell on her butt. Which she also thought was wildly hilarious.

Look out world, here comes mobile Angelica!

Tomorrow's her 6 month checkup...wonder how much she's gonna weigh and how long she'll be?? (She'll be at least 15 1/2 lbs...but possibly more!)

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