January 31, 2009

Angelica is 8 months old!

I can hardly believe she's 8 months old already! Look at this adorable picture, though...you would never know by looking at her that this little girl had been sick with a stomach virus for six days!

Let's see...what's new in the world of Angelica? She claps now. She started clapping last Saturday and thinks it's a complete riot whenever she does it. She's also getting frighteningly close to those first steps. She navigates between pieces of furniture in the living room with ease, barely holding on for balance. She's even let go a few times. I'm sure those first few steps are just days away at this point.

Things she's into at the moment...she likes Moose and Zee on Noggin. Last night (between 1am and 3:30-ish) she had a major crying fit...Scott couldn't calm her down for two hours, so he woke me up and then I tried for about a half hour to no avail. So, I put on Noggin and the second she saw Moose and Zee, she cheered right up. About a half hour after that I was able to get her to go back to sleep. She loves music. She can't resist dancing.

She's also really developing a personality now. She's got a great sense of humor. She thinks it's hilarious to hit me or Scott in the face, and she loves to reach in my mouth and try to pull my teeth out. She knows what "no" means now, but objects to it strongly when you say it to her. As in, whenever she's about to rip fur out of one of my cats backs (or tails or heads) and I say no, she gives me a sarcastic grunt. She's also ridiculously tolerant...for being as sick as she's been, she has been extremely happy. Finally, she's becoming really loud. Loud, as in when we were walking through Target, she was in the shopping cart seeing how loud she could scream, and then laughing. We were getting some funny (and some annoyed) looks.

She's starting to reach a few more milestones. She got a second tooth (front bottom, right). She's starting to hand objects to us to play with. She's getting a little better at holding her own bottle, though still prefers us to do it for her. Oh, and the sleep thing? Yeah, she's finally got that down to a science. She just stays up a little later now. Unfortunately, this means she sleeps in a little later now too, which makes mornings a little chaotic. Still trying to find a good balance there.

I think that covers all of the latest Angelica news. We're still waiting for her to kick this stomach bug, and now she's got a cold on top of it (and yes, she very generously shared those germs with her parents, so all of us are sick). I'm sure I'll have some more news to share soon!

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