January 23, 2009

Angelica has TWO teeth!

Breaking news: We discovered yesterday that Angelica now has TWO teeth, both on the bottom. Which explains why she has been a crankypuss the past week.

Other things she's doing:
- Starting to stand on her own. She chickens out and crouches down and sits after about 5 seconds.
- She's been dancing for awhile, but now she REALLY gets going, at the hint of anything that could remotely be considered music. Even mommy talking to her in a sing song voice.
- Waving. She does this CONSTANTLY. She waves when we walk in a door. She waves when we walk out of a room. She waves when someone says hi, bye, or whenever someone who wasn't in the room before comes in.

And with that, I leave you with the latest, most darling photo of our princess.

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