February 15, 2009

Angelica Walks!

Our little girl has been threatening to walk over the past few weeks. She's been cruising for what seems like forever, and has been letting go and standing, and taking a few very cautious steps, but today she took what was very obviously some deliberate steps!

We were watching Lazy Town and one of the songs came on. She pulled herself up on the couch and just let go and took off! She took about ten steps before she tripped and fell, then sat up and clapped wildly for herself! Oh, how I wish I had that on video!

I did get a video of her pushing her toy car across the room (walking while holding onto the handlebars) but my camera is not Mac-compatible, so I'll have to share at another time.

This will have to hold you over until then...Angelica in her pretty Valentine's Day dress (sorry for the lack of smile, she was pretty tired):

1 comment:

Ani said...

Oh yay!!!
wow, I can't believe shes growing up so fast!!!