March 10, 2009

Mommy Moment # 6

Today I got an email titled "Seven Reasons Why Babies Cry" and in my true sarcastic fashion, the first thought I had was, "I could probably give you 700 reasons why babies cry!" Especially mine, who cries when she's tired, hungry, dirty, hurt, the moon isn't aligned properly, you take a piece of lint that she picked off the floor out of her mouth, she really wants that DVD she took out of the DVD player and WAAH YOU'RE A MEAN MOMMY FOR TAKING IT AWAY...among other reasons.

Then it dawned on me. 9 months ago, I would have read this email and bawled my eyes out...along with my wailing newborn. I brought Angelica home and the first few days my only thoughts were WHY IS THIS BABY CRYING?????? and HELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELP.

I think this may be why second borns are more...laid back? Because their moms have already gone through this insanity.

I guess I've evolved quite a bit as a mother since those early days.

Also, Angelica has developed a love for soft things. I had a super soft blanket on the floor tonight and she kept crawling onto it, squealing with joy, and rolling around like mad on it.

1 comment:

Ani said...

awe! co cute! :-)