April 15, 2009

Our Experience with the First Three Months

I would like to thank Jennifer at momlogic.com for writing The Truth About the First Three Months, a post I can totally get behind.

As a mom-to be, I expected to have a perfect pregnancy, ending in the med-free labor I had dreamed of. My baby would be happy, calm, sleep through the night at six weeks and never cry unless she needed something.

What I ended up with was: partial bed rest when I was eight months pregnant, induction on my due date, epidural, a c-section, a colicky baby who cried endlessly and didn't sleep through the night until she was seven months old.

Needless to say, I wish I had taken the words of wisdom of so many experienced moms and been open to the idea that things would not necessarily go the way I wanted -- and that's okay. I also know that there is no way, as a first time mom-to-be, that I would have ever understood this, though.

Now that she's coming up on her first birthday, I can look back on those first three months and appreciate my inexperience. Yes, as Jennifer mentioned in her article, there were moments when I wanted to drop my baby off at the local police station and check myself into the nearest hospital's psychiatric ward. Was the insanity worth it? Absolutely. Would I go through it again? Without a doubt. But let's not ignore the fact that the first three months of my daughter's life were the hardest months of my life.

Moms (and Dads!), feel free to comment and share your experience with the first three months!

1 comment:

Help Make Breastfeeding Easier in America - said...

[...] and mom from breastfeeding, but it doesn’t always work out. (If you remember from reading Our Experience With the First Three Months, it didn’t for us, despite our best efforts.) The US Department of Health & Human [...]