April 23, 2009

A year ago today...

A year ago today I got some very good news.

At 33 weeks (April 16, 2008) I went to see the MFM doctor for a check-up and ultrasound...I had been seeing him for most of the last half of my pregnancy, since I had been battling blood pressure issues. At that visit, it was determined that Angelica's amniotic fluid was low...very low. He threatened to take me out of work. Ultimately, after discussing the pros and cons of the situation, it was determined that it was okay for me to continue working, as long as I stayed off my feet as much as possible and drank ungodly amounts of water (I was consuming 4 liters of water a day). At home, I was only allowed up to shower and get dressed. A week later, April 23, 2008, was my follow-up to see if the situation had improved. If it hadn't...we would be delivering that day.

Thankfully, it had improved, but was still at the low end of normal. So, I remained on restricted activity for the rest of my pregnancy, and was induced the day before my due date. Angelica was born the next night, on her due date, via c-section after some complications during labor.

When I looked at the calendar today I remembered breathing that sigh of relief one year ago today. As I watched Angelica play, I wondered to myself what it'd be like if her birthday were today. Would she be as healthy as she is? As advanced as she is? (She is known as "superbaby" amongst friends, family, and her daycare teachers because she has always hit her milestones months ahead of the curve...in fact, she already had head/neck control the day she was born. Crazy, right? If I ever have another baby and he or she has a floppy head I won't know what to do!)

I know I've only been committed to this change for a few days, but so far it has gone well. With the exception of some sweets at lunch today (boo to me for that) I have done well. I've eaten healthy, and exercised. Tonight, I did something I never thought I could. I'm starting the Couch to 5k plan on Coolrunning.com, and I actually completed the first day's run. I ran. I have been telling myself for years that I can't run, I'm too big and it will hurt too much. But tonight, I did it.

The pain I feel in my muscles is beyond what words can express...but my pride is swelling.

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