May 27, 2009

Be Careful What You Ask For...

I'll have an Operation: Lose the Baby Weight Week 2 update as soon as possible (it has been a crazy week for the Minute family this week!) but I wanted to share a funny anecdote from yesterday...

I've been flying solo in the evenings the majority of the past few weeks while SuperScott is working some mandatory overtime, so it's been a juggling act of feed/bathe/diaper/clothe/put to bed in the evening. So last night, I have a very messy, very naked toddler standing in her room while the bath is sitting, waiting for her. Needing just the slightest moment to dispose of the dirty diaper I've just removed and a moment get her PJs out that isn't interrupted by  her yanking everything else out of the drawer, I distract her by handing her a towel and asking her to "Please go take this to the bath."

So, off she toddles to the bathroom (yes, she's so smart and obedient that she really does do what I ask of her, about 80% of the time - the rest I chalk up to free will). I grab the PJs, ditch the diaper, and follow her into the bathroom just in time to see her walk over to the bathtub and follow the directions I gave....

So perfectly in fact that I see her reach over the side of the tub, releasing her grasp on the towel as it falls INTO the bath.

She was quite pleased with herself. And we had a good laugh about it.

(Safety note: She was never out of my sight so there was no risk of her climbing into the tub by herself - which she doesn't know how to do yet, but hey, there's a first for everything.)

1 comment:

The Tale of the Lost Lovey | Minute For Mom said...

[...] I mentioned in my post about bath time with a toddler, my little girl is smart enough to help me with basic tasks. So over the weekend, I asked her to [...]