May 1, 2009

The Birth Month

Today marks the first day of the month of my daughter's birth. Driving to work this morning, I thought of this same day last year, when driving to work I was hit with the realization that I would be having a baby this month. And this year, this month, my baby will be turning one. How is that possible? Wasn't she born two minutes ago?

Our daily interactions tell a different story though. She actually communicates now. Not just the wailing baby, oh please feed me type of communication, but communication that truly connects with you. For example, this morning I said to her, "Come on, let's go to Grandma's house!" and she looked at me, said "Bye" and waved. 

Not all of this communication is verbal though. This morning we went through the typical routine, which consists of her waking up, and then the two of us fighting over whether or not she needs clothing, when lo and behold she discovers that she can remove her own diaper. Yikes. Fortunately, this was the clean one I had just put on. But now, not only can she shake her head no, but she can tell me "No, mommy, I don't want to wear a diaper" by simply taking it off.

What a difference a year makes.

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