May 4, 2009

Surgery to remove cyst scheduled...

Today, we scheduled our baby girl for her very first surgery - it will be this coming Thursday.

Her's is so very minor - she has a dermoid cyst under her left eyebrow, which unfortunately has gotten bigger over the past few months. It's harmless, but will continue to grow unless it's removed. We had a CT scan done to make sure it's not connected to any muscle tissue that would affect movement of her eye (it doesn't) and so the surgery was scheduled.

Though this is a quick, outpatient procedure and she'll be back to normal in a day or two, it's still heart wrenching for a mom to think about her baby being sedated and operated on. Moms want to protect their children and I know there's really nothing I can do in this situation but trust the doctor and know we're doing the right thing.

And so I end with my entry in week's Memo from Mommy (a weekly contest at

To: Angelica
From: Mommy

You're having minor surgery on Thursday and I know all will be fine but I can't help but panic. I'm taking comfort in the fact that you're a tough cookie, tougher than your wimpy mom. Keep on being tough, and remember mommy loves you!

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