June 22, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 Announcement - Divorce

Viewers across the nation are anticipating and trying to come up with theories about the big Jon and Kate Plus 8 announcement, airing tonight.

As someone who publicly blogs about my family, I've had to weigh the pros and cons of what I make public. I haven't made these decisions casually.

So, when I think about the TV drama that Jon and Kate Plus 8 has become, I feel uneasy. What was once a cute show about a unique family going through the trials and tribulations of raising eight children (six of which are toddlers) has become a real live train wreck. With that, a lot of things that I, as a parent, would never personally want broadcast to the nation, have become fodder for public conversation. Even SuperScott, who has never watched the show, knows what's going on.

To be honest, I have never been a fan of the show. I watched it while I was pregnant and on maternity leave but Kate always drove me a little bit crazy with how bossy and demanding she was. (Though I know, with 8 kids, what else are you going to do?) But my heart breaks for these kids, whose family is, as the commercial says, at a crossroads. Whatever the outcome is, the situation itself, and the publicity surrounding it, is bound to have an impact on their lives. The adults have a choice in the matter, but these kids are just along for the ride.

So, we'll see tonight what happens. I hope, though, that this once very cute show doesn't turn into a sad story of a marriage ending.

[Edit] And so it was revealed. Jon and Kate have filed for divorce. After the previews and the little bits and pieces of conversation sprinked throughout the episode, it wasn't surprising to hear that revealed. All controversy aside - the show's popularity, its impact on the family, the kids, and so on - it is still sad that their marriage fell apart, for whatever reason it did.

We the public will never know the true story - leave it up to the television networks and magazines to edit the videos to give it the spin they want to portray. Regardless, we can still take away some lessons from this and apply them to our own marriages. My takeaway from it was: Stand up for yourself in the relationship, but don't be bossy - and above all else, show some love and appreciation for your spouse.


Sarah said...

Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your site and wanted to say
that I've really liked browsing your blog posts. Anyway
I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!

Hollie Green said...

You are so very right in everything you said. I have followed the show since the beginning and it is very sad! I guess in a way all those heartbreaking feelings start coming back from my divorces and now being married again to what I know as my soulmate, it really makes you appreciate your own marriage and every hard time that does come with it. See my beliefs are that if you are truly meant to be then everything will work itself out. Sure every couple argues and has diagreements but also you do have to stand up for yourself and I think Jon didn't do that and now he is hurting because when he finally did he liked it and he sees that not every female out there will scream and shout at him for making a mistake. I think he has found her and that is now what he wants. you better believe that little saying "If you don't take care of your man, someone else will"! And that can be true in every little way possible not just sexual. I have found that to be true. When everything settles down and the new wears off you start to take things fo granted. I am guilty of it and then I have to bring myself back to realilty. At the end of the day you have to sit down after all the kids are asleep and talk. No matter what just TALK! Find out what has went on in each others life that day. I can only guess that being married for 10 years they did fall into a pattern of the samething everyday and they never brought themselves out! My heart is breaking for them and I hope some peace does come!