June 9, 2009

Tuesday Timesavers: Lose the Baby Weight With Weight Watchers Online

tuesday timesaversWelcome to this week's edition of Tuesday Timesavers - helping moms like you save time each week!

Disclaimer: I am not compensated for this product review, so the below is entirely my opinion.

First of all, apologies for the hiatus - as you can see, the site recently got a facelift, and most of my time was devoted to that. But never fear, Tuesday Timesavers is here again!

This week's edition of Tuesday Timesavers will be about Weight Watchers Online! If you've read my post about my quest to lose the baby weight you'll know that I've now been on the program for a month. To give a little preview of the weight loss I should be announcing once the month is up (later this week!) - I am down nine pounds! (And I didn't even abide by the plan perfectly 100% of the time!)

I'm sure many of you are familiar with Weight Watchers. I joined for the first time when I was planning my wedding back in 2004/2005, and again after the wedding. I wanted to sign up after having the baby, but when you're a working mom, when do you have time for meetings?

So I gave Weight Watchers online a shot, and was wary about whether or not it would work since there isn't the accountability of meetings. I didn't find that as a factor in my success though, because I was motivated.

The best thing about the new version of the Weight Watchers program is that it's got an option that is practically designed for busy people like us. They have the Simply Filling technique, which gives you a list of foods and guidelines, and as long as you don't break the rules  and you make sure to get your Good Health Guidelines checked off (water, vitamin, exercise, etc), you don't really need to "track" anything. So, between not having to attend a meeting, and not having to track your calories, it's a definite time saver! (Plus the meal choices and recipes are quick to make!)

So, all in all, it works well for moms who need a quick way to plan healthy meals. Whether you decide to track Points or use the Simply Filling technique, you're guided toward making good choices that are good for your wallet, waistline, and your time.


Weight Loss » Blog Archive » Tuesday Timesavers: Lose the Baby Weight With Weight Watchers Online said...

[...] Original post by Minute For Mom [...]

Alicia said...

I did weight watchers years ago and think it's a very real way to loose weight. Glad to hear the online version is good too.

Operation Lose the Baby Weight: Month 1 Results | Minute For Mom said...

[...] So the other day, I preemptively stated that I lost nine pounds. [...]