July 1, 2009

Moving Day

Apologies for the brief hiatus...the entire Minute family just packed up and moved this week! I was without Internet for a few days, but now we're back up and online and in the 21st century once again.

Our move was really, really simple. In fact, anyone who has a toddler, I recommend doing it this way if possible! We were living in a two bedroom apartment, which was getting really cramped with two big people and one little person and all of HER stuff in it, so we upgraded to a three bedroom apartment, which was so conveniently located directly across the hall from us. 

Yes, literally. As in, every morning when I left for work, the first thing I saw was the front door of the place we live now.

The move itself went quite well. We sent Angelica off to daycare for the first two days, and enlisted the help of a friend to help us carry our stuff the ten feet over to the new place. (Thanks Gary!) This is our third day here, and already we are almost completely unpacked and settled in. The only thing missing is a new desk for me (my old one was about to fall apart, so I'm sitting on the sofa right now typing this out on my laptop) and bedroom furniture -- which is something that in my 11 years of being an adult I have never owned. The bedroom furniture will be here next week!

Angelica's adjustment to the new place has gone really well. We did a quick walk through the day before the move, and she was nervous, probably because it was just big, open and empty (as opposed to crowded and cramped, like she was used to in the old place). When she came home from daycare on the day we moved in, she seemed a little overwhelmed, but by tonight it was if she's lived here her whole 13 months of life.

And so, that is what has been going on which has kept me from writing anything for the past few days! Keep an eye out for more new blog posts coming shortly -- including new Tuesday Timesavers starting again next week!

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