July 29, 2009

Wish List Wednesday

Jennifer over at nbjenni.blogspot.com came up with this idea...every Wednesday, list five things that are on your wish list. Because money doesn't grow on trees!

On my wish list this week:

1. To lose ten pounds! Over the past few months I have continued to hover between 5 and 7 pounds lost. I wish I could hit that ten pound mark!

2. A cleaning service. SuperScott and I are pretty good at keeping the place neat and clean, but we'd both have more free time if we could afford to hire someone to do it for us! 

3. A house! Preferably a four bedroom, three bathroom one. We're apartment dwellers at the moment and while I love where we live, I'd love the freedom to invite people to stay over from out of town, and have a big, fenced in yard for Angelica to run around in. 

4. A Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR camera. Every time I look at this camera, I feel like cheating on my Olympus E510. Don't get me wrong, the E510 is great, I love it, but the Canon would be a dream, especially as I plan to progress from being a hobbyist to a professional at some point. 

5. An iPhone. Yes, I'm the last person in America to jump on the iPhone bandwagon.

Interested in playing along? Head on over to Jennifer's blog, get the image code, write your post and then add your name to the wish list!

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