January 13, 2010

Operation Lose the Baby Weight: 2010 Edition!

It's a new year, and every year so many of us make "resolutions". This year, I'm not. Instead, I'm setting goals, and my biggest one is to ditch this ridiculous baby weight! (Okay...and the 75 extra pounds I already had before getting pregnant!)

It's easy to let money get in the way of weight loss, so that's why this year I am spending no money on weight loss. None. I'm not joining Weight Watchers (even though I think they have a fantastic program). I don't go to a gym. I won't hire a personal trainer. I am simply going to work with what I already had on my house at the end of 2009.

This consists of:
  • A computer, with which I will use Sparkpeople, a free healthy living website, to track my progress.
  • Fitness DVDs (I have several TaeBo and Biggest Loser/Jillian Michaels DVDs in my arsenal)
  • The Spark, a book by the founder of Sparkpeople that I purchased at the end of last year (Want to check it out? Download a free chapter of The Spark.)
  • Handweights of several sizes (3, 5, 8, and 10 pounds)
  • Resistance Bands
  • Stability Ball

The only thing I will spend any money on is new workout clothes/shoes as they become necessary.

I officially started my efforts back on January 1st. I have a goal of losing 2 pounds a week every week for this year. Having lost over five pounds since the 1st, I'm already ahead of the curve.

Having been in a "battle of the bulge" for several years now, I know it takes support to be successful. That's why I've created an Operation Lose the Baby Weight SparkTeam! Feel free to join if you're interested!

Not a member of Sparkpeople? See the link below to join:

SparkPeople.com: Get a Free Online Diet

Good luck to each and every one of you on accomplishing your goals!

Here's my inspiration; Angelica at 19 months old:
Project365 (2010) - Jan 9

Disclaimer: I am not a representative of Sparkpeople, nor am I compensated by them for posting this review. The links provided may earn "SparkPoints" for me, which have no cash value. I simply believe in the service, the book, and have found it effective in the past so I wanted to share!

1 comment:

Ani said...

Good for you dollface! Great job on the 5 pounds so far!! I'm very proud of you! And I bet Gelli would say the same thing! :-)