January 12, 2010

Long Time No See!

So, my last post was in November. We've been through an entire holiday season in that time! Suffice it to say, it was a very busy few months in our household, and sadly this blog was neglected as a result.

In the interest of catching up, here's some of the excitement that's gone on since my last post!

  • I finished my master's program!: I spent the months of November and December working extremely hard on my final capstone project, and on December 18, I graduated, having earned a Master's degree in Internet Marketing. And, to add a cherry on top, I was the salutatorian of my graduating class. I accomplished this while being a full time work-outside-the-home mom, and I think I can safely say that if I can do it, anyone can do it!
  • I had surgery on my wrist!: On December 21, I had outpatient surgery on my wrist to correct the Dequervain's tenosynovitis that has been bothering me for oh...two years. I was first treated for it with a steroid shot when I was five months pregnant with Angelica. Since then, I had two more shots. And then it came back again, and the doctor said that having another shot of the cortisone would not fix the problem, so it was time to operate. It was a quick surgery. I was done in about 15 minutes, not even fully put under (they numbed my arm and used a drug to relax me instead). I then had my forearm in a half-cast for a week, used a splint for a week, and now my hand is free. It's still a little sore...the doctor said it could take about a month to be fully pain-free, so I'm optimistic. Since I know there are other moms out there who have Dequervains, if you have any questions about the surgery, let me know!
  • We had the holidays!: This was Angelica's second Christmas, and it was great. Unfortunately due to my surgery, we had to cancel our travel plans, but we still had a great Christmas! Angelica got tons of Dora the Explorer items, including a Dora the Explorer kitchen that I got at a kids resale store for $30!
  • We replaced a transmission: On Jan. 3rd, around 5:30 p.m., Scott's car finally gave up. The transmission died. We finally got the car back last night, so I'm thankful to have two working cars again (even if it resulted in a much smaller bank balance).
  • Angelica turned a year and a half old!: My baby girl is growing up so fast! She'll actually be 20 months old in a few days. She continues to amaze us on a regular basis. She talks nonstop now, and not just baby talk either. There's a lot of "Thank you, Mommy and Daddy" and "I want please!" and "I love you Mommy and Daddy" and "Please read Dora Kingdom book!" She's a chatterbox and I love it.

In 2010, expect to see a lot more updates, a lot more photos, and a lot more fun stuff on this blog!

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