January 23, 2010

Operation Lose the Baby Weight Week 3 Wrap Up

Lost 1.2 pounds.

I shouldn't complain. I'm trying to be rational and tell myself that it's a completely normal weight loss, and not to be sad that it wasn't the two pounds I was striving for. After all, again, I sat on my butt and skipped out on exercise this week. I also made a pact to NOT drink soda (even diet) and I did well! I made it three days drinking just one cup of coffee and then water the rest of the day. Then I got sick and well...I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the story.

Here's how the month has gone so far:
January 7 weigh-in: -4.6 lbs
January 14 weigh-in: -1.2 lbs
January 21 weigh-in: -1.2 lbs
Total weight lost: 7 pounds.

Okay, so that looks much better! Seven pounds! Yippee!! I am also now exactly 11 pounds from the weight I was at the day that I got pregnant with Angelica, so that also makes me happy.

I also looked back at the weight chart I still had stored on my computer from my resolution last year, and I have lost a grand total of 16 pounds since then. So that's pretty cool.

Anyway, I don't want this blog to become all about weight loss, so very soon I will post something non-weight loss related!

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