February 1, 2010

Further proof that I am no longer in control

This morning, it was a chilly 51 degrees outside when I left the house. (Okay, we're in Florida. It may not be that chilly to some of you but to us, it is!) Both Angelica and I are bundled up and ready to go. I put her shoes on, and as I'm putting mine on, she runs over and grabs my flip flops.

"Mommy shoes!" She says.
"Thank you honey, but I'm going to wear these instead." I reply.
"Nooooooooooooooo!!!! Mommy shoes!" She says again, with more force.
(Pretending to put flip flops on)
"Okay, Mommy's wearing flip flops! Go get your lovey!"
(I proceed to switch back to my normal shoes, but she gets back in the room before I'm done.)
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" She screams, grabs my shoes, and runs off.

Yep. I wore flip flops to work today. Thanks kiddo.

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