May 27, 2010

Angelica's Exciting News!

Angelica did not go to bed until almost 11pm last night.

After we did bathtime and got her diaper and pajamas on, we're sitting in her room reading stories and just kind of goofing around like we do every night, when she jumps up and says, "Mommy! Angelica go potty!" and bolts for the door. I open the bedroom door, she runs across the hall, into the bathroom, yanks off her pants and diaper, lifts the toilet lid and says, "Up!"

So I put her on the seat and she sits. And hops off. And jiggles the handle and eventually figures out how to flush. Down goes the water and she cheers and claps, so proud of herself, and then hops right back on the potty.

Let's just say we did the up on the potty-off the potty-flush-back on the potty routine for about an hour.

Finally, she jumps on and actually goes! She jumps off and we cheer, "Yay! Angelica did pee pee in the potty! Woo hoo! Yay!" and she flushes the potty, runs in her room, we put on a diaper and her pajamas and we resume storytime.

My big girl used the potty for the first time!


LeeAnn said...

Yay Angelica!!! That is awesome! We started at about the same age with Rylie and she is almost completely potty trained. Just let her take her time and do it at her own pace. She'll be wearing "undie-wears" in no time.

I have an award for you! Have a great day!

Andrea said...

Thanks for the award LeeAnn! I can't wait to blog about it :)

Funny thing is that last weekend, we were at Target and Angelica picked up some Minnie Mouse undies...they only had them in 4T though so they were obviously WAY too big, I guess that was a sign though!