May 24, 2010

McFatty Monday: Week 2 Results

Let's start out by saying that last week was a tough week. It was full of hubby working late, late nights, meaning for five days last week I was essentially a single working mom. I slept awful. We're still in the process of wrapping things up at the old place so I was over there tending to things, cleaning, getting the last of our stuff moved out (keys are due in eight days!) I went through the wonderful awfulness of PMS and the yuckyness that follows PMS. I ate chocolate chip cookies, I ate too much at each meal, and I only worked out three days last week.

Given all of that, I was sure that I was going to have gained weight this week. SURE of it. In fact, I was dreading getting on the scale this morning and seeing a number larger than the number I saw last Monday.

Lo and behold, I weighed in this morning at 252. The exact same I weighed last Monday. Thank goodness for small miracles. I will take a maintenance. Plus, if you divide last weeks weight loss over two weeks, that's 1.5 pounds a week which really isn't that bad. (I am so justifying!)

In looking forward, I'm hoping to see a number that's out of the 250s next week. It'll be a milestone...the first time since September 2007 that I've been less that 250! Oh, and I'd also like to survive my daughter's second birthday party, which is later this week! (Has it REALLY been two years?)

Finally, don't forget to enter my giveaway in the Weekend Review post! I don't have any entries yet and I don't want the prize to go to waste!

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Yay for maintaining! I'll be happy if I just have a maintenance week this week. :-) And we all justify things just makes life easier.

I'll be looking forward to seeing your post next week to see those 2 pounds gone. You can do it!