June 21, 2010

Monday Meal Planning

I'm starting a new feature...Monday Meal Planning! Each week, I plan out our meals so that I never have to ask myself the "What's for dinner" question. This way, I always know what's for dinner, and I can always make sure I have all of the necessary ingredients at hand...or use the ingredients we already have. Minimizes waste AND stress...it's a win/win!

Though it's important to me to cook healthy, whole foods with no/minimal processing, I'm also a realist. I'm a working mom of a tantrum-prone two year old, and I am certainly not supermom...therefore, I allow for a few "easy" meals each week...chicken nuggets (for Angelica), Boca Burgers (for me & Scott), frozen pizza (though I buy Amy's, so it's organic and vegetarian-friendly), etc.

If you'd be interested in seeing this as a McLinky so that you can add yours to it, let me know! Since this is the first one, I want to gauge interest before I put it all together.

This week's meal plan:
Lunch: Amy's frozen meal, fruit
Dinner: Homemade vegetable lasagna

Lunch: Leftover vegetable lasagna
Dinner: Tortillini in marinara sauce, salad

Lunch: Leftover vegetable lasgana
Dinner: Orzo with vegetables and avocado

Lunch: Leftover orzo, fruit
Dinner: Veggie burritos with rice and beans

Lunch: Leftover rice and beans, fruit
Dinner: Chicken nuggets/Boca burger, corn on the cob

Lunch: Leftovers, or grilled cheese (if the leftovers are gone) with veggies and/or fruit
Dinner: Frozen pizza, salad

Lunch: Chicken nuggets/Boca burger, mashed sweet potato
Dinner: Having dinner at my parents house to celebrate my Dad's birthday


LeeAnn said...

I think it is a great idea! Mainly so I can get some ideas for our meals. hee hee And if you had a McLinky, then I could get even more ideas! ;-) Linking to recipes would be even better.

Oh wait, you aren't starting this feature for my benefit, are you? LOL

Seriously, though, great idea. I need to plan out our meals too.

My name is Anna said...

I think it's great to plan out meals if that works for you. I find that my problem with doing that is I get bored and/or have cravings for other foods. Does that happen to you? If so, what do you do?

The Shavers Family said...

Another Meal Planner, yippee!!

I have an entire segment called "Meal Planning" on my blog: http://notyourmamasmartha.blogspot.com (right-hand side) that I have been doing for years! My grocery ads come out on Wednesdays so, I do my Meal Planning/Shopping on Thursdays. I'd still LOVE a linky though! :)

Susieq said...

Do you remember when I used to do this? I did it pretty much for years while you and Stefanie were in school and before you got jobs and started spending most of your evenings working or out with your friends. It does save money. I'd make my menu and that would help make the shopping list. I always had the coupon box handy too. When Geli gets bigger she can help and it will teach her about nutrition, economizing and planning. Good for you!