July 6, 2010

4th of July Fireworks Recap

On the 4th of July, we went to the fireworks at Central Winds Park, which we look forward to every year...except last year and the year before, when they were cancelled. This year, it was pouring rain when we left to take the shuttle to the fireworks! We sat in the car and debated whether or not to go, but ultimately bit the bullet and went, chairs and umbrella in hand.

Because of the rain, I left my camera at home and came armed only with my Blackberry camera. But I did catch a priceless picture of Angelica waiting for fireworks...

...in the rain.

Yes, she ran around and got soaking wet from head to toe. That's my girl!

About a half an hour after this picture was taken, the rain started to let up, so we walked over to the actual park for some fun. She ran around like a...well...like a toddler. We ate some "carnival food" (fried chicken, chili cheese fries for them, cheese pizza for me) and followed that up with an awesome funnel cake. Angelica insisted on singing "Happy Birthday" because that's what she does when there's cake. She also kept saying, "I wanna go in a deep dark cave!" I'm still not quite sure what she meant by that...

Around 9:15 the fireworks started and at first I was surprised! In the minutes leading up to the fireworks display starting, I told her that the fireworks would be loud, and go "Boom!" So when they started, Angelica sat on my lap and cheered and said, "Ooh, pretty!" and yelled "Boom! Boom!"

And then...

I saw her face drop. She made that pouty face where I can just look at her and know she's about to start crying. I gave her a second and she just kept looking sadder, and getting quieter.

"Are you okay sweetie?" I said to her.

And then the sobbing started.

"I'm scared, Mommy! I'm scared!" she cried and she whipped herself around and buried her face in my chest (dumping a bottle of water ALL OVER ME in the process, but what did I care? Comforting my baby was way more important and I was already soaked from the rain).

So I snuggled her and rocked her, I covered her exposed ear with my hand and she covered her eyes with her "wubby" and I rocked her back and forth. And when I paused for a moment, she rocked herself to remind me to keep rocking her.

It was so much like our first Fourth of July, when she was 6 weeks old and we were at a friend's party, and they had fireworks, and I stayed back by the house and snuggled her tiny little body so she wouldn't be scared...and covered her ear with my hand. Except this time, she wasn't so tiny. I was sad that she was so scared but also reminded that even though she's a "kid" now, she's still very much my little baby and it warmed my heart.

Of course, when the fireworks were over and I asked her if they scared her, she said in her most cheerful voice, "No, I NOT scared!" (But when I asked if she liked the fireworks, she shook her head no.)

Maybe next year, fireworks will not be as frightening. :)


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Hi just stopping by to follow your blog. I'm a friend of LeeAnn's "The Life of Rylie" she said to be sure to follow you and mention her as well. I love your story here it reminds me of my daughter, she told us she did not want to see fireworks this year (she hates the noise as well). We ended up not braving the rain like you and didn't go and of course what does she say. I'm not scared I want to go see fireworks. You just can't win sometimes! LOL


Ehm Aye Why said...

so our 4th of july party was kid friendly, and on the other end of the spectrum my favorite 18 month old BOY was all ABOUT the fireworks, he had the bestest evil laugh every time they went off, and then during the pauses or breaks in the boys (men? hah) getting mortars and such loaded he would repeat "more fireworks". hahahaha BOYS!!! Love that your girl is such a girl :) so sweet.