July 26, 2010

McFatty Monday: Quick Steps in the Right Direction!

Dun dun dun DUN! This morning I weighed in at 247. Two more pounds gone! I'd say "see you later" to them, but I sure hope I don't!

Last week I wrote about starting the Couch to 5k program (again) and I'm proud to say that not only did I start it over again last week, despite all the chaos and injury going on (broken down car, Scott's sprained ankle, etc) but I completed it!! Way to go ME!

At the beginning of the year I wrote about wanting to use a fitness program this year that cost as little money as possible on non-necessities (shoes, workout clothes, etc excluded). So far, my grand total for the year is $4.99, as a result of an awesome little app I got for my Blackberry called RoadRunnerGPS. It tracks my runs for me...when I'm done, it shows me distance ran, average speed, calories burned, time, pace, and gives me a map of my run. I can also share it all (sans the map, sorry guys, I don't want anyone stalking me on my run!) on my social networking pages, so you may have seen a couple of tweets about it so far. It's a great little app and definitely worth the $4.99 I spent on it.

Also, I discovered the free Podrunner Intervals First Day to 5K podcast, which follows the C25k program, and it has been a LIFESAVER. I tried to make my own music mix and just count myself how much time to walk/run, and it was really hard to keep accurate. This podcast sets the "mood" by having music set to a certain BPM so you can pace your walk/run, and plays a chime when you switch from walking to running and visa versa. I'm not a big fan of techno music but I must say, it definitely works and since the music is not familiar, I concentrate on my movement more than the music.

My run days are Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, and lately I've been going in the evening because here in Florida we've had a heat index of around 105 every day. It's really necessary to wait until after the sun goes down to do ANY activity outdoors. Even poor Angelica goes on her slide once and says, "Oh no, is too HOT outside."

My only issue was a terrible case of shin splints after my Friday run, which left me to run a little slower yesterday, but after stretching, icing my shins last night and taking some Advil they feel pretty good today.

This week I'm going to try to get the food aspect of my McFatty self-challenge back on track. The chaos lead to some serious dining out last week which is not good at all for any of us.

So that's it for McFatty Monday this week! Hope everyone else had a great week!

(FYI, I know my blog background is gone...I have a new blog design in the works, it may be ready as soon as tonight!)

ETA: New blog design coming tomorrow night!! Hurray!


LeeAnn said...

Congratulations on your great week! I admire you for sticking to your exercise! I know how hard it is with working full time and taking care of that beautiful little girl of yours, so I'm so proud of you for keeping on track with that.

And oooohhhh...I can't wait to see the new blog design!

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Congrats on your weight loss so far. That is great.

I totally get you on the C25K program. I did it and loved it. I haven't run lately but I have an app on my phone as well that was a lifesaver with the dings and such. I was able to play my own music while I ran.

Can't wait to see your new design. Let's hope it will be there tomorrow when I stop by.