July 27, 2010

New Design and Other Randomess

Hey, check it out! My new design, courtesy of Laura Jane Designs, is now LIVE! I think it is absolutely beautiful. Laura, you do GREAT WORK!

I honestly don't have a lot to blog about today. I'm on Mommycation, Part 2, except today and tomorrow Scott is on Daddycation Part 1, so we're getting some time to spend together. Alone. At least during the day while Angelica is at daycare. It's funny, before she was born we could find a million things to do together, but today we had a hard time coming up with stuff to do just the two of us. We went to the mall and out to lunch, and to the nerd game store to pick up some Magic the Gathering cards. We also dealt with the debacle that is my car, which broke down...again. Fortunately this time it wasn't a disaster of a breakdown and I have it back in working condition.

In the World of Angelica, things are going great. I'm finding (and Scott agrees) that her tantrums are starting to diminish, which is proving to me that we're at least handling them right. Last night, though, during a tantrum she grew tired of being ignored and yelled, "Mommy, I'm CRYING!" To which I said, "I know sweetheart, I hear you, and when you're done crying, we can talk about it."

Over the weekend, we took her on a train ride (a local mall has a "train" that rides around the lower level) and she LOVED it. It was the second time she went on it. The night before we had told her we'd take her to the train the next day, and when she woke up the next day, the first words out of her mouth were, "We go on a train TODAY!" And literally jumped up and down. When we got to the mall the train wasn't running and she handled it really well...disappointed, but she didn't cry.

After a trip to the Mickey Mouse store and the mall playground, the train was running again and she was SO EXCITED! How do I know? She kept saying, "Mommy, I so EXCITED!" or "Mommy, I so HAPPY!" It was adorable. On the train she kept saying, "It was broken, but now it working again! I ride on the train, chugga choo choo!" It totally made my day.

And that's really it. A few more days of R&R and then back to work with me. Here's hoping that the stretch of bad luck we had is over and done with and good things are coming our way!


LeeAnn said...

I LOVE IT! The colors are fabulous and everything looks so pretty! LJ does such a great job! I'm going to grab that fancy new button now.

Oh, and BTW...still totally jealous of all of this "mommycation" nonsense! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love love the new blog design!!!! LJ is amazing!!! I grabbed your new button, love it!

Laura Jane said...

Thank you! You all put a big smile on my face. =D