July 29, 2010

My Daughter, the Food Pusher

One of the things about Angelica that makes me laugh these days is that she's become a food pusher. Take, for example, this conversation from yesterday morning, when I got her breakfast but was waiting to have mine until after I dropped her off at school. She was eating a waffle.

Angelica: Mommy, you have some orange juice!
Me: I'm going to have some later.
Angelica: No, Mommy, you have some orange juice!
Me: Okay. (I get some orange juice.)
Angelica: You take a sip, Mommy!
Me: Okay, I'll take a sip.
Angelica: You have some waffle, Mommy!
Me: Oh, thank you honey, but I'm going to have some later.
Angelica: (Picks up some waffle off her plate) Here, Mommy! You take a bite!
Me: Thank you so much, you're so good at sharing! (Eats piece of waffle)
Angelica: Here, Mommy! You take another bite! (Hands me another piece)
Me: Oh, thank you so much!
Angelica: You take a little sip, Mommy! (Referring to my orange juice)
Me: (Takes a sip) Mmmm, yummy orange juice!

This went on and on until the food and juice was gone.

We have this type of conversation at nearly every meal and every snack. She'll make a great grandma one day!


LeeAnn said...

And now if you ever have a McFatty Monday with not-so-good results, you have someone to blame. Because we all need to blame someone other that ourselves, right? ;-)

Marissa said...

your blog is great...making me laugh! Cute family and found you through florida hogans fav's! Newest follower :)