August 3, 2010

The Kidney Doctor Follow-Up

Angelica went for her biannual visit to the pediatric urologist, whom I often refer to as "the kidney doctor" because it sounds less sterile and medical. We started out the morning at Arnold Palmer for the renal ultrasound (or, as I told her they were called, "pictures of her tummy") which was accompanied by lots and lots of screaming. You'd have thought someone was stabbing the poor child. She hated ultrasounds when I was pregnant with her too so it's really not surprising. Anytime an ultrasound tech came near my belly (which was a lot, since I was high risk) I could always feel her FLY over to the other side of my stomach. Today I told her that in 25 years she may actually have an experience that would make an ultrasound exciting.

Next we headed over to Nemours, and due to an emergency we had to wait. And wait. Our appointment was at 10:45 and it was close to noon before we were seen. He looked at the ultrasounds and said everything looked good, and...dum dum dum DUM! We now don't have to be seen for another year (instead of six months), unless there's a problem. And, once she's potty trained, we can take her off of the preventative antibiotics. Yippee! He also said unless there's a problem we'll probably skip putting her through another VCUG. Thank goodness. I don't think I have the stomach to watch her go through another one of those procedures.

Speaking of potty training, she's been "practicing". We got her Dora and Minnie Mouse panties but she doesn't seem to quite "get it" yet. She'll wet herself and then ask to use the potty. I think we'll probably revisit it in another few months, to save the expense of doing pee-covered laundry and shampooing the carpet multiple times a day :)


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Sounds like a good visit and outcome. Glad to hear all is ok.

One of these days she is just going to know what to do potty wise and it will be downhill from there!

LeeAnn said...

I'm so glad the doctor visits went well!

And don't sweat the potty training stuff. Angelica is super smart, and also super she'll do it when SHE wants to. But you already know that. :-) Plus, she already wowed me enough when she was a baby. I don't need any more "super kid" antics from her!