August 2, 2010

McFatty Monday: Two steps forward, one step back

248. Up one pound.

I'm not fretting about it, because (TMI alert) Aunt Flo is visiting and I always pick up a pound or two of water weight around that time. Oh, and the overindulgences on chocolate and ice cream probably didn't help.

I finished week 2 of the Couch to 5k program last night and I am SO pleased with how it's going. Every day I'm able to run just a little bit faster and a little bit longer than the day before, and during last night's run I was finding myself reaching the end of the 90 second sprint and thinking, "That's it?" It's such a stark contrast to the first day of week 1, where the sprints were only 60 seconds and I was struggling to finish that.

The only "bad" run I had this week was Friday. I had a lot going on that day so I decided to do my run during the day, and unfortunately I didn't get going until right at 12pm. The. Hottest. Part. Of. The. Day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the heat index was 106, so I felt like I was running through a pit of FIRE.

This week should be good. On Wednesday I start Week 3 of the program, where it REALLY gets amped up...alternating 90 seconds walking/90 seconds running and 3 minutes walking/3 minutes running. I'm excited to see how THAT goes because some of those runs essentially double the time I ran last week. I'm going to try to add in some strength training to improve my speed and endurance as well.

And with that, I'm really out of things to day. The rest of you who are on McFatty Monday, here's hoping you had success this week!


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Great job on the running! We all know (at least us women) about your specific weight issue this week LOL.

LeeAnn said...

One pound isn't a big deal, especially if you're like me and your scale can fluctuate by a couple pounds daily.

I am SO proud of you for the running! I admire your determination. I don't even want to go out in this ridiculous heat, let alone try to run in it. You're awesome!

Susieq said...

You're neither a mad dog nor an Englishman so skip the noon time runs. They will do in even the healthiest hardiest souls. I wish I could run. I'd even settle for walking. Keep up the good work!