A new activity that Angelica and I have been doing lately is flash cards. (She calls them "magic cards" because she's fascinated by our Magic the Gathering cards...it's cute.) I picked up a pack of alphabet flash cards at Target and we go through them about once a day. She loves it!
Right now, I'd say she's got about half of the alphabet committed to memory. There's a few she has trouble with, mainly B, P, and D (she calls all of them P because the lower case versions of the letters look similar), and C and Z sound the same when she says them...and she thinks S is also Z.
There are some really cute things she does when we're doing flash cards:
1. If she doesn't know one, she says, in the sweetest voice ever, "I don't know" or "You say it!"
2. If she gets one wrong and I correct her, she tenses up and shuffles her legs the same way every time, so I can see that she's upset about being wrong. This actually makes me kind of sad for her so I'll tell her it's okay to be wrong and we'll come back to it.
3. If she doesn't know, sometimes she will guess and when I correct her, she'll insist she was right. For example, I'll hold up a J, she'll say it's an L...I'll correct her and say it's a J, and she'll say, "No! It's an L!"
4. When she gets one right, she is SO proud of herself. She'll clap for herself and say something like, "Yay! It's a (letter name)!" or "Yay! I did it all by myself!"
The fact that she can get through about half the letters though makes me so proud. My baby girl is SO smart!
What a great idea! Rylie has been saying her ABCs before she was even two, but she doesn't actually recognize most letters. I bet she would pick up on those flash cards real quick. Thanks for giving me that idea.
And don't you love how they just say they don't know instead of trying to BS their way through it like most adults do? LOL
That is great that she feels proud when she learns. Girls are so great to work with. I can say that only because I have both LOL.
Ericka LOVES to work on anything learning related.
She is smart!!! Love this idea. When did you start working on these with her? I bought some before Babygirl was born, but haven't started them yet.
Thanks Heather! I started working on letters with her before she turned 1 (we had the foam ones you use in the bathtub) but I just started flash cards around the time she turned two.
Suggestion.. Make a duplicate set of cards and play concentration with her.. Have her match the letters... and every time she matches give her a bump or high 5... and you play with her.. Its not as easy as you think but she will be great at it. I would have her say the letter when she turns a card up.. She is young and maybe be memorizing only but thats where they start and its great that she likes to play.. Caits' was a perfectionist and she sounds like one too.. But teaching her to read was so much fun..check out the book How Read In 100 Easy Lessons
(at library) it has some good ideas about how to teach phonics early.. with games and the Bob Book series..
She's following almost exactly in your footsteps and on the same timeline. She will be reading by age 3. You need to look into some early education alternatives. If she isn't challenged she will get bored.
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